Yesterday was patch day, and I awoke to storms and a power outage before I went to work, or at least attempted to. The lightning strike that disrupted power to my subdivision also disrupted the power to the shopping center where I work. After a couple of hours, the power came back on, and I went to work, expecting WoW to be up when I got home.
When I walked in the door, my son told me he'd been looking at the realm status, and that Turalyon was still down. After a while, found an update that realms would be up by 3 PST, or an hour before raid time.
I went to make dinner, and as I was finishing it up, the server came online. Spent way too much time at loading screens, but looked at new jewelcrafting stuff, the new orphan quest, and my new druid forms. Given how horrible the lag was, we decided not to raid, but some of us went into the new 5-man instance. It was interesting - very different, and a bit of a learning curve, but interesting.
I've mentioned before that this summer, real life is hitting the members of CRC very hard. I'm hoping the new content brings some of them back. I miss my friends, and wonder how they are.
Last night, after the 5-man, a group of guys decided to try out a 10-man raid. They asked Oct, but not me, and I tried not to let my feelings get hurt. You can't talk about my dps without getting personal, because my disability, which is a part of me, affects my gameplay. However, what I learned in the process of going to social member was a reiteration of a lesson that I learned through nine years of competitive swimming. There's more to life than being the fastest or the best. Sometimes just quietly fighting can do more to pick people up than anything.
I've come a long way, in game and in real life, and that's enough.
10 years ago
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