I was inspired to create this blog by two things. One is Beware Splinters, the fabulous blog written by my awesome friend Orbitz. The second was a conversation with my GM where I realized that although World of Warcraft is a great game to help people with a multitude of disabilities, there isn't a whole lot of information out there to help people with neurological disabilities play the game at a high level.
I started playing WoW in the summer of 2006, when my husband was getting tired of wife aggro. We were eating lunch one day and he said, "You'd probably enjoy playing it, why don't you make a character on my account and check it out?" I did, then progressed to a trial account where I made my hunter, Carolia, on Anvilmar (the suggested realm, but not the one my husband was on - more on that in a separate post). Carolia was followed by a dwarf priest named Kyrania, then Anvilmar became overpopulated and both toons moved with my guild to Baelgun. Later, they moved to my husband's realm where they joined my druid, Carianna (actually my third druid - long story). My main is now an affliction warlock named Carilock (are you seeing a pattern to my naming yet?)
In real life, I'm a wife and mother of two. I also live with cerebral palsy, which affects fine motor skills, coordination, and reaction time. This has made raiding a challenge, but with the help of understanding friends, addons, and peripherals, I've been able to clear a lot of the content in BC and Wrath.
10 years ago
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