I'm up early for work, checked the update website, and found that the project was cancelled. Bummer. I'm thinking about crawling back in bed, but I'm not sure I really want to wake Bry up with bad news, especially since last night I did what I thought I wouldn't, and told him that this wonderful 4-month respite from my depression appears to be over.
This weekend has been interesting. I've mostly been running with alts and pugs, and I've confirmed that damage potential is not infinite, and what the damage meter shows is how much of the pie you can snag. Yesterday, I got into a conversation with the main tank and one of the mages that made me realize that I don't know as much about neurotypical people as I thought I did, in particular, how fast they can react to things. I mean, I've watched Bry raid, but it didn't click with me somehow until they were talking about choosing spells based on procs without using a conditional macro.
This led me to an interesting conclusion: If I went to a more casual raiding guild, I would probably be one of the top dpsers, similar to the situation I was in when I left the last raiding guild I was in. There are probably people outside of CRC who look at my guild tag and think I don't belong there.
So I asked myself why I felt that I belonged in CRC. Truthfully, the last time I really wasn't sure if I belonged or not was when my guild rank was New Recruit. The officers saw me raid (and these were the Mount Hyjal/Black Temple days, where it was impossible to hide the effects of my disability) and promoted me to Raid Member anyway. My guildies know my limitations, and invite me to groups, the officers give me opportunities to get in and work on my gameplay when they can, and most humbling, I know of 5 guildies who read and/or follow this blog.
In short, I belong because they make me belong, and that's enough. I would not be happy in another guild, and I know it. So I muddle along, and push myself to be the best raider I can be. I do it for me, of course, but I also do it for them. /salute
10 years ago
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