Yesterday, I finally got the druid to 80! I respecced resto, swapped out my gear, downloaded some healing addons, and took a break.
When I came back, I was hoping to finish a 10-man Naxx run, but we couldn't get it together, so while some of the guys went off to try 10-man Sarth with 3 drakes, I decided to pug some heroics to get gear. I could have asked, begged, and called in favors to get a guild run, but I really didn't want to do that for my first run out of the gate.
So I looked in Atlas Loot to see where there was gear that I needed, and joined looking for group. Then I saw someone in Trade looking for a healer for heroic Utgarde Keep. Utgarde Keep is the easiest heroic to run, so I thought it would be a perfect warm-up.
So, I join the group, and immediately the death knight inspects me and starts fussing about my gear and mana pool. I decide to drop, but Clique won't let me, so I ask in guild how to leave a party from the command line and explain the situation, while telling the party that if they aren't comfortable, it's cool. Healers are hard to find, so they decide to try it, and my guildies advise me to leave the party. I still can't do it, so I decide to stick it out. Get in the instance and the dk makes a comment about turning 80 yesterday and running Naxx last night. And he's fussing about my gear when he's never seen me heal, or manage my mana?
First pull, and so far, so good. Clique is super easy to use, although I realize right away that the keybindings are wrong for me. I can work with it though. Healing isn't a problem until the 3rd pull, when the tank lost aggro and we wiped. We get through those pulls and into the foundry-type room. The tank says, "Car, can you root square?" Figuring he knew what he was doing, stupid me said, "Sure". So he pulls, I root, I heal, I see AGGRO in red letters on my screen, I die. DK makes more snarky comments about me conserving mana, and I ask again how to leave a party.
I have never seen a group of people close ranks as fast as CRC did last night. I wasn't really upset, more annoyed than anything, yet the way my guildies reacted, you would have thought this guy insulted their mothers. It was such a contrast between the person who didn't even throw down a death and decay to help the tank hold aggro off the healer, and people who have mastered all the current content, yet aren't afraid to help a feisty disabled lady enjoy the game. I renewed my commitment to my guild last night. Whatever it takes, I'm there for them.
10 years ago
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