It's always darkest right before the dawn, and Friday was no exception.
I got a part-time job, which is good, and had a good weekend. Last night, on Mimiron, I did fairly consistent 3K dps overall. At one point, I shared the damage meter with Flip, and got a tell back, "ZOMG!" "you or me?" "u!" That meant a lot. Flip knows the ins and outs of playing a warlock better than anyone I've met, and he knows how hard I've worked for my dps.
As I think back to the place where I was on Friday, I realize that now that my search for a guild that will treat me with patience and understanding, I need to be patient and understanding with myself. If that means that when I come into a raid that I need to take a few minutes to acclimate and know that I can do my job, it's okay for me to click "No" on the ready check.
I also realized last night that I don't want to stop raiding, and not just because making that decision would mean having to justify it to almost 20 people. I love raiding. Getting in and working on strategy is fun. Getting teased about aggroing a bomb bot is fun. Knowing that I can go in with 24 other people and together do more than any of us could do by ourselves makes it all worth it.
10 years ago
Grats on the job sweetie! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sweetie. I miss you!