Thursday, April 16, 2009

Emalon the Storm Watcher

Last night was a non-raiding night, so 10 of our members ventured into Ulduar (and downed Flame Leviathan, grats guys!). I was in a group that decided to take on Emalon the Storm Watcher, who is the new boss in Vault of Archavon, about 15 minutes before the Wintergrasp battle started. Emalon has four adds at the beginning of the fight. Periodically he selects an add to blow up if it is not killed quickly. If an add blows up, it's a wipe, and soulstones won't help, since you die in his room. Fortunately, they put the spirit healer right in front of the instance portal so it's a short run back. We killed him on our second attempt. I'm still working out UI issues and I'm not really sure my glyphs and spell rotation is optimal, but I did okay DPS.

This week has been an interesting week. Stress does not mix well with depression and borderline Asperger's Syndrome, and I put a very public temper tantrum on this blog where I violated one of my own rules and called out someone in the guild. I am very sorry for that. When I look at accessibility of WoW, the people who allow me to do as much as I do are the raid leaders, officers, and raid members, and they do it without being condescending about it. I truly love and appreciate all you guys, and I can't imagine playing the game without you.

1 comment:

  1. Spell rotation is always a work in progress especially when new stuff comes out. People can recommend all they want - but if it doesn't flow with your natural style in dps/healing or w/e then it just isn't going to work. Trial and Error - thats all it is. :<
