"And when the night is cold and dark, you can see, you can see light. And no one can take away your right to fight and to never surrender." Corey Hart, Never Surrender
Okay, so I'm showing my age. Generally, I don't quote 80's pop on here, but this is one that has been stuck in my head ever since Junior High because it says so much about living with a disability and depression. Also, the events of last night fit it so well.
Last night's raid started out with a little bit of stress and humor. Right after Dem came on and I'm sure was getting ready to invite, we get a message: "[SERVER]: Restart in 15:00." So we have a laugh, I finish eating supper and get on vent, and we all come back on once Turalyon gets back up. I get summoned to Ulduar, and go in, when my screen goes dark. I look down, and there's my dog sitting on the surge protector switch. To make matters worse, Oct isn't home, so I can't get him to send Dem a tell. Finally get the computer up, get back in, get a message "l2 tame pet" from one of the hunters (I love my guild), and get ready to grab my demolisher for Flame Leviathan. One shot, Baby!
On to Razorscale. Flask, eat, spellstone, imp, Fel Armor, healthstones, soulstone, worry. Remind myself of Dem's words, that I will do what I can and my efforts are appreciated. Listen to strat and where to stand. Go through a few attempts, surviving the active fights each time. Fourth attempt goes pretty well, I get a little bit of blue flame but with my own healing and healthstone, plus raid healing, I survive and we get her down. First kill for me and I survived! Send tell to Flip, "I did it!" I'm in loot council, so I try not to break down in tears. 15th on the damage meter isn't great, but it isn't horrible either.
Mount up and start heading for Deconstructor. Tell from Dem, "Hey girl, we need to bring in more punch for this one." No apologies, I like that. I reply, "np" and head to the portal. I say, "I survived." His response, "You did great." That is how it should be. Went to Icecrown for Tournament dailies and finally beat a Valiant! I'm getting there.
Looking at WoW Meter Online this morning, I had 75% dps time on our Razorscale kill. That's an improvement, but Flip did 85%. I'll never be as good as he is, but he makes a good target. I'm still not using shadowbolt enough, and I am having trouble with targeting the adds when Razorscale is in the air, but those are things that can be worked on fairly easily. I honestly thought that I could not do that fight, thanks to CRC for helping me prove myself wrong.
10 years ago
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